The Silver City-Grant County TEA Party Patriots have been approached by the Logistics and Emergency Planning team of the High Desert Humane Society (HDHS) for help in alerting the people in those communities about the Humane Society's preparedness to take in family pets (excluding livestock) should people be required to evacuate their homes. HDHS expects to be kept informed of the fire's status and will ask us to put out a secondary alert should evacuation become necessary.
The Shelter is located at 3050 Cougar Way, off Hwy 90S, Silver City. For additional information or directions, call the Shelter at 575-538-9261. Additional numbers: 575-388-2408 or 575-956-5153.
If you live in these areas, or know persons who do, please forward this information to them to get the word out about the Humane Society's ability and preparedness to take in people's pets.