Sunday, June 26, 2011

#WallowFire photo - NOT a healthy forest fire

#WallowFire photo - NOT a healthy forest fire
Wallow Fire photo by Jason Coil

The kind of fire like this, one that burns everything including tree tops (crown fire), is not a "healthy" forest fire.  It is not a fire that trees, wildlife or forage benefits from, because fires like this kill everything they burn and they sterilize the soil.

We cannot go back to "pre-human" days for forests, since they have grown to today's condition over centuries of use by humans.  Pre-human" times were different times - different climate, different animal and plant species.  There is no going back.

Given the current unhealthy state of forests of the Southwest that end up with catastrophic wildfires like the Wallow Fire, we need a change in forest management.  Please let your state and federal legislators know that you want a change in forest management and you want it now.

Locate your NM legislator:
Locate your US legislator:
Taken by Jayson Coil #Wallow fire on Twitpic

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