Thursday, June 9, 2011

#WallowFire - facts update as of approx. 10AM AZ

Call Center facts as of approximately 10 a.m AZ
  • Fire estimated at 348,000 acres
  • 0% containment
  • Approximately 3012 personnel including 24 Hot Shot teams and 79 hand crew teams
  • Equipment:  18 dozers, 197 engines, 61 water tenders
  • Air support: 16 helicopters, air tankers.  Weather permitting a DC-10 will be available, capable of spreading a retardant line 100 yards wide, 1.5 miles long
  • No new evacuations since last night
  • Pre-evacuations notices are still in place
  • Fire has moved through the east side of Greer.  Structure protection is in place.  
  • No confirmation of new structure loss anywhere but in active areas that assessment will be delayed until the fire activity dies back
  • As far as we know the fire is still not in NM
  • Winds might be lighter today but there still are very dry conditions out there. 
  • Call center peole are still at Eagar Middle School 
Note that some restaurant personnel have remained (voluntarily and with permission) in the Springerville/Eagar area to provide meals for fire teams.  Everyone is grateful for their help.

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