Thursday, June 9, 2011

#WallowFire Doyel Shamley Eagar AZ on-site report 06/09/11 8:00 a.m. (AZ)

#WallowFire Doyel Shamley Eagar AZ on-site report 06/09/11 8:00 a.m. (AZ)
Doyel Shamley is Sen. Sylvia Allen's Apache County Liason

Here are some general conditions around Eagar:
  • There is no wind at this time. Weather conditions are predicted to be way more favorable today for fighting fire. Wind is going to be half of what it was yesterday and humidity double (though still low, just 6%). Wind average will be about 17MPH today instead of yesterday’s 35 MPH. 
  • The air is crisp. It is much cooler than any morning previously - a little chilly even. 
  • I just spoke to the information officer and she told me they are going to try and get a new update out at 0900 today. The new Area Command has taken over command of the fire as of last night. 
  • Yesterday there was a tremendous updraft which dropped embers everywhere. A small fire was started in Alpine yesterday but the fire fighters who are stationed there stomped it immediately - they did a stellar job. 
  • The big issue yesterday was spot fires because of wind and wind gusting. The conditions caused all the emergency decisions. By getting everyone out early there have been no fatalities or serious injuries. 
  • The IR log from about 10PM last night 386,000 acres - the 389,000 acreage yesterday was a guess. In the light of no email, no phone, the center having to move, the 389 is an estimate. 
  • I have it from a reliable source that the of transmission lines that supply electricity to hundreds of thousands of people as far east as Texas are a serious issue. If the lines are damaged, parts of New Mexico and Texas could face rolling blackouts.

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