Monday, June 6, 2011

Free Propane

Free Propane from Sierra Propane
Sierra Propane is Round Valley grown and proud to have started our company here 28 years ago. We now have three generations of Wilfongs that have lived here, been raised here and now work at Sierra Propane in various degrees. Like many of the excellent people we employ our roots are here. Like you, this is our home, this is our community. The Wallow fire is causing a horrific loss. Our thoughts go out to those that have had to leave their homes, those who don't know whether they still have a home, and those now facing the possibility of having to leave their homes. We thank all the firefighters and agencies involved in trying to save our homes and our forest. We will all get through this.

In 2002 Show Low was evacuated due to the Rodeo-Chediski fire. Sierra Propane opened their pumps to our neighbors and provided free propane to the RV's that headed this way. Sierra Propane is now doing the same for our community. Effective immediately we will fill your RV bottles at no charge at our Springerville location. This includes people that have already been evacuated and staying here, are on a pre-evacuation notice, or live in the Round Valley area and wish to get prepared in the event of evacuation. We are located at the corner of Zuni St and Main St in Springerville, between Booga Reds and El Jo. This offer is for up to two 20# (5 gallon) or two 30# (7 gallon) bottles.

John E. Wilfong
Vice President
Sierra Propane

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