Sunday, June 5, 2011

Wallow Fire update 1:23 NM time

InciWeb AZ phone hotline report:

  • Wallow Fire is at 184,000 acres
  • No containment at this time
  • No new structures have been lost except for a shed and a pickup trailer
  • Tal Wi Wi lodge and nearby homes north of Alpine are OK
  • Hwy 180 is still closed between "Y" in New Mexico (intersection of NM 12 & US 180) and Nelson Reservoir south of Springerville.  191 is still closed as well.
  • Hwy 260 is not closed
  • Fire is still headed in general direction of north north/east
  • No report from AZ InciWeb on back fires along the NM/AZ border at this time
  • Power is still off in Alpine-  no estimate of when it will come back on
  • Fire fighters  have dug 30 miles of trenches by hand!
  • No spot fires have crossed 191
  • Incident management team says:  "We will fight this fire no matter how long it takes or what the cost."

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