Thursday, June 23, 2011

#WallowFire - IR & Progression maps from 06/22/11 2349 flyover

#WallowFire - IR & Progression maps from 06/22/11 2349 flyover
Click on maps to enlarge

Interpreted size: 532,086 acres
Growth: 2,260 acres

Wallow Fire IR map from 06/22/11 2349 flyover

Wallow Fire progression map from 06/22/11 2349 flyover

Comments from flyover:
There were two isolated heat sources outside the south perimeter 4 miles south of the East Eagle Creek near the Robinson Mesa Pack Trail where the trail turns to the north above Hot Air Canyon at -109 25' 03.8", 33 29' 08" and -109 24' 45", 33 28' 55.5".  These were very small and on the edge of the imagery, but should be checked out.

Going counter-clockwise around the fire from just west of that point, there was significant heat around the area by Stray Horse Work Center.  The fire continues to go south from Rasperry Creek and continues into Crooks Mesa and McKittrick Creek as well as along Rt 191 into Lengthy Canyon.  There is still a lot of heat and a little growth at Cedar Springs.  It has not crossed the road yet but is just across the road from Blue Camp.  There was an isolated heat source at Balke Crossing on the nob of the hill between last night's perimeter and the river that may be of concern.  The greatest amount of growth on this arm was north along Foote Creek.  North of this arm the fire has burned into Foote Creek where it splits around Horse Ridge.  There was a lot of heat on the north half of Fishhook Mesa as well.

The far east arm north of Luna has not grown but there was a lot of heat in the previously unburned island.  All remains quiet on the western front.

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