Thursday, July 7, 2011

#WallowFire Photos Escudilla Mt. 07/07/11 0630 hrs. AZ time

#WallowFire Photos Escudilla Mt. 07/07/11 0630 hrs. AZ time
The photos below of the top of Escudilla Mountain in Arizona were taken by Doyel Shamley this morning at 6:30.  Mr. Shamley is the Apache County NM liaison for Sen. Allen.
Click on images to enlarge

1 comment:

  1. Via email from Doyel Shamley:
    None of the burn you see in the photos will recover in our lifetimes. As well, there will be massive flood water and silt issues; flood waters will run down into the streams and springs and will either destroy or severely damage the fisheries.
