Calendar Notices for Frontier Communities in Southwestern New Mexico and Southeastern Arizona. Formerly Glenwood Gazette.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Catron County Connection: NOAA Flood Threat Matrix 06/30/12
Catron County Connection: NOAA Flood Threat Matrix 06/30/12: Burn Scar Flood Threat Forecast 06/30/12 Burn Scar Flood Threat 06/30/12 Forecast 06/30/12 GLENWOOD...
Friday, June 29, 2012
Catron County Connection: The Transportation Conference bill to waive 30-day...
Catron County Connection: The Transportation Conference bill to waive 30-day...: From Dara Parker Field Representative, Office of U.S. Senator Jeff Bingaman via Catron County Manager Sarah Merklein June 29, 201...
Catron County Connection: NOAA Flood Threat Matrix 06/29/12
Catron County Connection: NOAA Flood Threat Matrix 06/29/12: Burn Scar Flood Threat Forecast 06/29/12 Burn Scar Threat Forecast 06/29/12 Forecast 06/29/12 ...
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy InciWeb Final Community Update
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy InciWeb Final Community Update: June 28, 2012 Whitewater-Baldy Complex FINAL Community Update Fire Information: Julia Faith Rivera--575-388-8212 (Daily from 8 a....
Catron County Connection: NOAA Flood Threat 06/28/12
Catron County Connection: NOAA Flood Threat 06/28/12: Burn Scar Flood Threat Forecast 06/28/12 Burn Scar Flood Threat 06/28/12 Forecast 06/28/12 ...
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
July 2012 Gazette Online has been updated for July. Check it out or get your print copy at many locations throughout the Southwest!
Catron County Connection: Weather Watcher Instruction Glenwood June 30
Catron County Connection: Weather Watcher Instruction Glenwood June 30: Weather Watcher Instruction Shawn Bennett, Meteorologist in Charge at the National Weather Service in Albuquerque will conduct a special ...
Catron County Connection: CORRECTED: NOAA 06/27/12
Catron County Connection: CORRECTED: NOAA 06/27/12: Burn Scar Flood Threat Forecast 06/27/12 Burn Scar Flood Threat 06/27/12 Forecast 06/27/12 ...
Catron County Connection: CORRECTED: NOAA 06/27/12
Catron County Connection: CORRECTED: NOAA 06/27/12: Burn Scar Flood Threat Forecast 06/27/12 Burn Scar Flood Threat 06/27/12 Forecast 06/27/12 ...
Catron County Connection: NM DEPT OF AG: VS AND NM RODEOS
Catron County Connection: NM DEPT OF AG: VS AND NM RODEOS: Rodeo Organizers, Others Reminded to Be on Lookout for Livestock Virus State Directive Puts Event Organizers on Front Lines for Contain...
Catron County Connection: Catron County Commission July meeting date change
Catron County Connection: Catron County Commission July meeting date change: Public Notice Due to the holiday the regular scheduled Catron County Commission Meeting for Wednesday, July 4, 2012 has been changed...
Catron County Connection: NOAA Flood Threat Matrix 06/27/12
Catron County Connection: NOAA Flood Threat Matrix 06/27/12: Burn Scar Flood Threat Forecast 06/27/12 Burn Scar Flood Threat 06/27/12 Forecast 06/27/12
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Catron County Connection: NOAA Flood Threat Matrix 06/26/12
Catron County Connection: NOAA Flood Threat Matrix 06/26/12: Burn Scar Flood Threat Forecast 06/26/12 Burn Scar Flood Threat 06/26/12 Forecast 06/26/12 ...
Monday, June 25, 2012
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy BAER Aerial Mulching contract
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy BAER Aerial Mulching contract: Solicitation Number : AG-8399-S-12-0016 Notice Type : Presolicitation Synopsis: Added: Jun 22, 2012 7:41 pm Whitewater-B...
Catron County Connection: Weekend Wildfire Activity on the Gila National For...
Catron County Connection: Weekend Wildfire Activity on the Gila National For...: Weekend Wildfire Activity on the Gila National Forest June 25, 2012, Silver City, NM- Afternoon storms that produced dry lightnin...
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy Costs to date
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy Costs to date: According to the National GACC website's Daily Situation Report, the cost to date (06/25/12) for the Whitewater-Baldy Complex fire is appro...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire Release : Approximately 12:30 p.m. local, 06/25/12 Size : 297,845 acres (465 square miles) ...
Catron County Connection: Sandbagging in Glenwood
Catron County Connection: Sandbagging in Glenwood: Glenwood NM June 24 2012 Anticipating the flooding that will result from even as little as 1/2" of rain on Whitewater-Baldy fire burn scar...
Catron County Connection: BAER Work Begins in Whitewater & Mineral Creeks
Catron County Connection: BAER Work Begins in Whitewater & Mineral Creeks: Silver City , NM June 24, 2012: In anticipation of flooding to occur as a result of the high severity burn scar in the headwaters of Min...
Catron County Connection: NOAA Flood Threat Matrix 06/25/12
Catron County Connection: NOAA Flood Threat Matrix 06/25/12: Burn Scar Flood Threat Forecast 06/25/12 Burn Scar Flood Threat Forecast 06/25/12 Forecast ...
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update Status according to the June 24, 2012 SWCC Morning Intelligence Briefing: 297,845 acre...
Catron County Connection: NOAA Flood Threat Matrix 06/24/12
Catron County Connection: NOAA Flood Threat Matrix 06/24/12: Burn Scar Flood Threat & Forecast 06/24/12 Burn Scar Flood Threat Forecast 06/24/12 WeatherForecas...
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Catron County Connection: Catron County Convenience Station Days/Hours
Catron County Connection: Catron County Convenience Station Days/Hours: Catron County Convenience Station Days/Hours Reserve and Glenwood - Mon. Wed. Fri. 8am - 4pm Sat. 9am-2pm. Luna - Sat. and Mon. 8am-4pm ...
Catron County Connection: New Colorado VS Rules for Livestock Coming From NM...
Catron County Connection: New Colorado VS Rules for Livestock Coming From NM...: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 22, 2012 Contact: Christi Lightcap, (303) 239-4190, ...
Catron County Connection: Sandbagging it in Glenwood
Catron County Connection: Sandbagging it in Glenwood: Cordelia Rose of Glenwood reports, "Gus Faust made this wonderful sand bag filling machine, which saves hours of work and strained backs....
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire BAER up...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire BAER up...: Whitewater Baldy Complex Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) Team Executive Summary Glenwood, Reserve and Wilderness R...
Catron County Connection: NOAA Flood Threat Matrix 06/23/12
Catron County Connection: NOAA Flood Threat Matrix 06/23/12: NOAA Flood Threat Matrix 06/23/12 NOAA Flood Threat Matrix 06/23/12 Burn Scar Flood Threat Forecast 06/23/12 Bur...
Friday, June 22, 2012
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy Flood Advisory
Catron County Connection: Blogmaster note
Catron County Connection: Blogmaster note: There either was no IR flight last night or the website just has not been updated yet. Reserve Ranger District has no info on the ...
Catron County Connection: Gila, Cliff, Gila Hot Springs Community Meetings J...
Catron County Connection: Gila, Cliff, Gila Hot Springs Community Meetings J...: Gila, Cliff Community Meeting June 25 A Community Meeting for the communities of Gila and Cliff, New Mexico is scheduled for Monday Jun...
Catron County Connection: NOAA Flood Threat Matrix 06/22/12
Catron County Connection: NOAA Flood Threat Matrix 06/22/12: Burn Scar Flood Threat Forecast 06/22/12 Burn Scar Flood Threat Forecast 06/22/12 Weather Forecast 06...
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy BAER Funding
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy BAER Funding: WHITEWATER-BALDY FIRE BURNED AREA EMERGENCY RESPONSE (BAER) FUNDING REQUEST IS APPROVED Silver City , NM ; June 21, 2012— Forest Sup...
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Catron County Connection: CATWALK CLOSED BUT GLENWOOD OPEN FOR BUSINESS: Glenwood, NM; June 21, 2012 — The Catwalk National Recreation Trail and Whitewater Picnic Area has been closed since May 26, 2012, due ...
Catron County Connection: Sandbagging in Glenwood a Success
Catron County Connection: Sandbagging in Glenwood a Success: Thus far, sandbag operations in Glenwood are a heartening success! by Blaire McPherson I just had to write to thank the County for the in...
Catron County Connection: Vesicular Stomatitis outbreak in New Mexico
Catron County Connection: Vesicular Stomatitis outbreak in New Mexico: VESICULAR STOMATITIS UPDATE June 20, 1012 The Vesicular Stomatitis outbreak in New Mexico continues to be serious. The links below cont...
Catron County Connection: NOAA Flood Threat Matrix 06/21/12
Catron County Connection: NOAA Flood Threat Matrix 06/21/12: Burn Scar Flood Threat Forecast Burn Scar Flood Threat Forecast 06/21/12
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy 297,800 acres
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy 297,800 acres: The IR flight reports the Whitewater-Baldy at 297,800 acres, an increase of 11 acres since the last report. From the report: "The southe...
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Catron County Connection: Preparedness Workshop Glenwood June 23
Catron County Connection: Preparedness Workshop Glenwood June 23: “If you don’t go, you should know... Personal Preparedness” Saturday, June 23, 2012 1:00- 3:00 pm Glenwood Community Center Presen...
Catron County Connection: NOAA Flood Threat Matrix
Catron County Connection: NOAA Flood Threat Matrix: Burn Scar Flood Threat Forecast 06/20/12 Burn Scar Flood Threat Forecast 06/20/12
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy IR map 06/20/12
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy IR map 06/20/12: Whitewater-Baldy IR map 06/20/12 Whitewater-Baldy IR map 06/20/12 CLICK HERE for larger image [8.5MB PDF]
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy 297,789 Acres
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy 297,789 Acres: According to last night's IR flight report, the Whitewater-Baldy fire is now at 297,789 acres, and increase of 809 acres over the last grow...
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Catron County Connection: Catron County Commission Agenda 06/20/12
Catron County Connection: Catron County Commission Agenda 06/20/12: CATRON COUNTY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING Catron County Courtroom 9:00 AM June 20, 2012 Please set all communication devices t...
Catron County Connection: Pearce Reps in Glenwood Wednesday
Catron County Connection: Pearce Reps in Glenwood Wednesday: Representatives from Congressman Steve Pearce’s office will be holding mobile office hours on Wednesday, June 20 th in Glenwood from 1:00-...
Catron County Connection: NOAA Flood Threat Matrix 06/19/12
Catron County Connection: NOAA Flood Threat Matrix 06/19/12: Burn Scar Flood Threat Forecast 06/19/12 Burn Scar Flood Threat Forecast 06/19/12
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy - southern fire heat detail map
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy - southern fire heat detail map: Whitewater-Baldy - southern fire heat detail map 06/19/12 Whitewater-Baldy - southern fire heat detail map 06/19/12 CLICK HERE for ...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire NIMO up...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire NIMO up...: June 19, 2012 Whitewater-Baldy Complex Community Update National Incident Management Organization Fire Information: 575-533-6901...
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy 06/19/12 IR map
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy 06/19/12 IR map: Whitewater-Baldy 06/19/12 IR map Whitewater-Baldy 06/19/12 IR map CLICK HERE for larger image [8.1MB PDF]
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy Fire: 296,980 acres
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy Fire: 296,980 acres: According to last night's IR flight report, the Whitewater-Baldy fire is now at 296,980 acres, an increase of 254 acres over the last growth...
Monday, June 18, 2012
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy 06/18/12 edge & heat maps
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy 06/18/12 edge & heat maps: Fire edge map 06/18/12 Fire edge map 06/18/12 CLICK HERE for larger fire edge map [1.5MB PDF] ---- Detail south fire edge...
Catron County Connection: NOAA Flood Threat Matrix
Catron County Connection: NOAA Flood Threat Matrix: Burn Scar Flood Threat Forecast 06/18/12 Burn Scar Flood Threat Forecast 06/18/12 Note: Catron County is pote...
Catron County Connection: Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy 06/18/12 IR map
Catron County Connection: Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy 06/18/12 IR map: Whitewater-Baldy 06/18/12 IR map CLICK HERE for larger image [12.5MB PDF]
Catron County Connection: NIMO: Whitewater-Baldy total fire acreage 296,562
Catron County Connection: NIMO: Whitewater-Baldy total fire acreage 296,562: June 18, 2012 Whitewater-Baldy Complex Community Update National Incident Management Organization Fire Information: 575-533-69...
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Fire edge map
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Fire edge map: Whitewater-Baldy 06/17/12 fire edge map. See blogmaster note below. Whitewater-Baldy 06/17/12 fire edge map CLICK HERE for link to...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update: June 17, 2012 Whitewater-Baldy Complex Community Update National Incident Management Organization Fire Information: 575-533-6901...
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy 06/17/12 IR map
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy 06/17/12 IR map: Whitewater-Baldy 06/17/12 IR map Whitewater-Baldy 06/17/12 IR map CLICK HERE for link to large map [12.5MB PDF]
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire 290,845,acres
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire 290,845,acres: According to last night's IR flight, the Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire is now 290,845,acres, an increase of 215 acres since the last report....
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Catron County Connection: Glenwood Sand Bag Work Parties
Catron County Connection: Glenwood Sand Bag Work Parties: Sand Bag Work Parties Where: Big Horn Campground, Glenwood When: Wednesdays 6-8pm and Saturdays 8-10am Bring: work gloves, sho...
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire 06/16/12 IR maps
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire 06/16/12 IR maps: Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire 06/16/12 IR maps Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire 06/16/12 IR CLICK HERE for large image [12.6MB PDF]
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy fire 290,630 Acres
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy fire 290,630 Acres: Last night's IR flight report puts the Whitewater-Baldy fire at 290,630 acres, a growth of 120 acres. From the IR flight report: "Note: The...
Catron County Connection: NIMO USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire
Catron County Connection: NIMO USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire: June 16, 2012 Whitewater-Baldy Complex Community Update National Incident Management Organization Fire Information: 575-533-6901...
Catron County Connection: Revised Whitewater-Baldy Emergency Area Closure
Catron County Connection: Revised Whitewater-Baldy Emergency Area Closure: Revised Whitewater-Baldy Emergency Area Closure Incident: Whitewater Baldy Complex Wildfire Released: approximately 5PM June 15, 2012...
Friday, June 15, 2012
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy Fire Glenwood Community Meeting J...
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy Fire Glenwood Community Meeting J...: There is a community meeting planned for Monday June 18, 2012 at the Glenwood* Park. The meeting will start at 6 pm. Please bring your own...
Catron County Connection: Mogollon now open to public
Catron County Connection: Mogollon now open to public: Mogollon is open to the public; the Bursum road to Mogollon is open, however the closure of the Bursum Road is still in affect in the areas...
Catron County Connection: NIMO Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update
Catron County Connection: NIMO Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update: June 15, 2012 Whitewater-Baldy Complex Community Update National Incident Management Organization Fire Information: 575-533-6901,...
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy Fire 06/14/12 PM heat source map
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy Fire 06/14/12 PM heat source map: Whitewater-Baldy Fire 06/14/12 PM heat source map Whitewater-Baldy Fire 06/14/12 PM heat source map Blogmaster note: Map created b...
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy Fire IR map 06/15/12
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy Fire IR map 06/15/12: Whitewater-Baldy Fire IR map 06/15/12 [12.7MB PDF]
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire updat
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire updat: The Whitewater-Baldy fire is now at 290,515 acres, a growth of 386 acres according to last night's IR flight. From the flight report: "Mo...
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy Public Info map
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy Public Info map: Whitewater-Baldy Public Information map (fire edge) Blogmaster note: Although this map is dated 06/15/12, it was obtained from the nifc....
Catron County Connection: Catron County Joins National Flood Insurance Progr...
Catron County Connection: Catron County Joins National Flood Insurance Progr...: CATRON COUNTY, NEW MEXICO JOINS THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM Residents and business owners are encouraged to purchase coverage a...
Catron County Connection: Glenwood Sand Bag Workshop
Catron County Connection: Glenwood Sand Bag Workshop: Sand Bag Workshop! Where: Glenwood Park, Glenwood, NM When: 9:00 a.m. Saturday, June16 What: Learn techniques for filling and placin...
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy NIMO update 06/14/12
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy NIMO update 06/14/12: June 14, 2012 Whitewater-Baldy Complex Community Update National Incident Management Organization Fire Information: 575-533-690...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy IR map06/14/12
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy IR map06/14/12: Whitewater-Baldy IR map 06/14/12 Whitewater-Baldy IR map 06/14/12 CLICK HERE for larger format [12.7MB PDF]
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Fire 290,127 Acres
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Fire 290,127 Acres: According to last night's IR flight, the Whitewater-Baldy fire is now at 290,127 acres, with a growth of 515 acres since the last report. ...
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Whitewater-Baldy PIO map 06/13/12
Gila National Forest,
Whitewater-Baldy Complex,
Catron County Connection: Blogmaster note - cutting back on posts
Catron County Connection: Blogmaster note - cutting back on posts: Note from blogmaster: Since the National Incident Management Organization (NIMO) Team has taken over the Whitewater-Baldy fire, there have ...
Catron County Connection: BLM Announces Fire Restrictions for New Mexico
Catron County Connection: BLM Announces Fire Restrictions for New Mexico: For Immediate Release Ju...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update: Official Butch Blazer Visits Incident Command Post Incident: Whitewater Baldy Complex Wildfire Released: 06/12/12 Official visits ...
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy heat source map from 06/12/12 PM ...
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy heat source map from 06/12/12 PM ...: Whitewater-Baldy heat source map from 06/12/12 PM IR flight Whitewater-Baldy heat source map from 06/12/12 PM IR flight Note: Th...
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy larger IR flight map
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy larger IR flight map: CLICK HERE for larger IR flight map [13MB PDF]
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update: June 13, 2012 Whitewater-Baldy Complex Community Update National Incident Management Organization Fire Information: 575-533-6901,...
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy Fire IR map 06/13/12
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy Fire IR map 06/13/12: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire IR map 06/13/12 USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire IR map 06/13/12 Blogmaster not...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire 289,478...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire 289,478...: Whitewater-Baldy fire now at 289,478 acres, increase of 865 acres since last reporting period. From IR flight report: "The fire had appr...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire 289,478...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire 289,478...: Whitewater-Baldy fire now at 289,478 acres, increase of 865 acres since last reporting period. From IR flight report: "The fire had appr...
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Catron County Connection: Gila Cliff Dwelling Will Reopen on June 14
Catron County Connection: Gila Cliff Dwelling Will Reopen on June 14: Incident: Whitewater Baldy Complex Wildfire Released: approximately 3 PM local For Immediate Release 6/12/2012 GILA CLIFF DWELLINGS ...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update: June 12, 2012 Whitewater-Baldy Complex Community Update National Incident Management Organization Fire Information: 575-533-6...
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy IR map 06/12/12
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy IR map 06/12/12: Whitewater-Baldy IR map 06/12/12 CLICK HERE for large image [13.5MB PDF]
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update ...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update ...: As of last night's IR flight, the Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire had reached 280,073 acres, an increase of 1,365 acres since the last report...
Monday, June 11, 2012
Catron County Connection: NM EMNRD Announces Additional Fire Restrictions
Catron County Connection: NM EMNRD Announces Additional Fire Restrictions: New Mexico State Forestry June 11, 2012 ...
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy Burn Severity map
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy Burn Severity map: Whitewater-Baldy BAER burn severity map (as of 06/09/12) Whitewater-Baldy BAER burn severity map (as of 06/09/12)
Catron County Connection: WWBC acreage correction (278,767) + progression ma...
Catron County Connection: WWBC acreage correction (278,767) + progression ma...: WWBC acreage correction (278767) + progression map Whitewater-Baldy progression map 06/11/12 CLICK HERE for large map [8MB PDF...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update: Community Update June 11 Incident: Whitewater Baldy Complex Wildfire Released: approximately 9:30 a.m. local Yesterday, crews patroll...
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy Fire BAER update
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire BAER up...: Whitewater-Baldy Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) Gila National Forest BAER Team Leader - Mike Natharius On June 3, a Forest Se...
Catron County Connection: Little Bear Fire - help needed with animals
Catron County Connection: Little Bear Fire - help needed with animals: The following e-mail is a request for help mitigating the impact of the Little Bear Fire on livestock and companion large animals in the Ru...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire 06/11/1...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire 06/11/1...: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire 06/11/12 IR map USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire 06/11/12 IR map
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update: Whitewater-Baldy Complex Community Update Southwest Area Type 1 Incident Management Team Incident Commander: Tony Sciacca Fir...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire 278,708...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire 278,708...: According to last night's Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire IR flight report, the fire is now at 278,708 acres. an increase of 681 acres over t...
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire 06/10/1...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire 06/10/1...: Whitewater-Baldy Progression map 06/10/12 Whitewater-Baldy Progression map 06/10/12
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy Fire Perimeter 06/10/12 map
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy Fire Perimeter 06/10/12 map: This map will show you the heavy red lines which are deemed "Uncontrolled Fire Edge", and can be helpful in planning - it is based on the IR...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update: Whitewater-Baldy Complex Community Update Southwest Area Type 1 Incident Management Team Incident Commander: Tony Sciacca Fi...
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy 06/10/12 map
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy 06/10/12 map: No updated flight maps other than the pilot's map were found for last night's flight. CLICK HERE for the pilot's map . [1.8MB PDF]
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy Fire 06/10/12 278,039 Acres
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy Fire 06/10/12 278,039 Acres: Analysis of last night's Whitewater-Baldy Fire flight data: the fire is now at 278,039 acres, with a growth of 3007 acres over the last rep...
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update ...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update ...: GLENWOOD COMMUNITY MEETING SUNDAY JUNE 10 6:00 PM Glenwood Community Center COMMUNITY UPDATE JUNE 9 Yesterday, firefighters finishe...
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy Fire photo by David Thornburg
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy Fire photo by David Thornburg: Whitewater-Baldy Fire photo by David Thornburg (posted with permission) Whitewater-Baldy Fire photo copyright 2012 David Thornburg M...
Catron County Connection: NM Governor Declares State of Emergency in Catron ...
Catron County Connection: NM Governor Declares State of Emergency in Catron ...: Emergency Declaration Allows for Mobilization of Additional State Resources to Assist Local Efforts in Flood Mitigation and Emergency Prep...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire 06/09/1...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire 06/09/1...: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire 06/09/12 map USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire 06/09/12 map CLICK HERE for larg...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update: Whitewater-Baldy Complex Community Update Southwest Area Type 1 Incident Management Team Incident Commander: Tony Sciacca Fire Informat...
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy fire 274,838 acres
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy fire 274,838 acres: According to last night's IR flight, the Whitewater-Baldy fire is now at 274,838 acres. The fire had approximately 3,573 acres of perimete...
Friday, June 8, 2012
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire PM upda...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire PM upda...: GLENWOOD COMMUNITY MEETING SUNDAY JUNE 10 6:00 PM Glenwood Community Center Update approximately 1:30 PM Current Situation Total P...
Catron County Connection: Reserve District Ranger report on Whitewater-Baldy...
Catron County Connection: Reserve District Ranger report on Whitewater-Baldy...: RESERVE NM June 8, 2012. Reserve District Ranger John Pierson reported at today's Catron County Commission meeting that he personally fle...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update: Whitewater-Baldy Complex Community Update Southwest Area Type 1 Incident Management Team Incident Commander: Tony Sciacca Fire Inf...
Catron County Connection: Catron County declares disaster
Catron County Connection: Catron County declares disaster: RESERVE NM June 8, 2012: The Catron County Commission voted this morning to approve Resolution 054-2012: Declaring Emergency Declaration of...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire IR map ...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire IR map ...: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire IR map 06/08/12 [13MB PDF]
Catron County Connection: NM Fire Restrictions in effect today
Catron County Connection: NM Fire Restrictions in effect today: June 7, 2012 News Release Contact: Dan Ware – Fire Prevention a...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire 270,722...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire 270,722...: According to last night's IR flight, the interpreted size of the Whitewater-Baldy fire is 270,722 acres, a growth of 3,255 acres since the l...
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Catron County Connection: Delayed Whitewater-Baldy updates here for Friday J...
Catron County Connection: Delayed Whitewater-Baldy updates here for Friday J...: Blogmaster note: I will be attending the Catron County Commission meeting tomorrow (Friday June 8, 2012). I have to leave early in the mor...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update: COMMUNITY UPDATE JUNE 7: Release: approximately 6:30 PM local Progress is going as planned along the majority of the fire boundary. ...
Catron County Connection: Residents Allowed Back Into Willow Creek
Catron County Connection: Residents Allowed Back Into Willow Creek: Residents Allowed Back Into Willow Creek Incident: Whitewater Baldy Complex Wildfire Released: approximately 3:45 PM local On Fri...
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy Photo by David Thornburg
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy Photo by David Thornburg: Spectacular photo by David Thornburg taken Wednesday night from Pleasanton, NM
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire 06/07/1...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire 06/07/1...: Whitewater-Baldy Complex Community Update Progress is going as planned along the majority of the fire boundary. Most of yester...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire IR map ...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire IR map ...: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire IR map (small) USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire IR map 06/07/12 (small)
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy IR map 06/07/12 [13MB PDF]
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy IR map 06/07/12 [13MB PDF]: Whitewater-Baldy IR map 06/07/12 [13MB PDF]
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire 267,467 Acres
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire 267,467 Acres: As of 06/07/12 the Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire is now reported at 267,467 Acres, with 3,878 acres of perimeter increase since the last IR...
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy progression map 06/06/12
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy progression map 06/06/12: Whitewater-Baldy progression map 06/06/12
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update: COMMUNITY UPDATE JUNE 6: There will be a community meeting tonight in Glenwood at the Community Center starting at 6 PM. The incident m...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire closure...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire closure...: Section of Forest Road 150 Temporarily Closed Due to Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire Operations June 6, 2012-MIMBRES, NM- A small s...
Lif Strand: Environmental destruction
Lif Strand: Environmental destruction: June 6, 2012. The Whitewater-Baldy fire is now 263,589 acres as of last night's IR flight. It's not the largest fire ever in the west, but...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update ...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update ...: Below is the CORRECTED Community Update June 6, 2012 Whitewater-Baldy Complex Community Update Southwest Area Type 1 Incid...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update: Whitewater-Baldy Complex Community Update Southwest Area Type 1 Incident Management Team Incident Commander: Tony Sciacca Fi...
Catron County Connection: Catron County NM unofficial primary voting results...
Catron County Connection: Catron County NM unofficial primary voting results...: Unofficial primary voting results for Catron County, NM. Unofficial primary voting results for the state of New Mexico
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire IR map ...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire IR map ...: Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire IR map 06/06/12 Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire IR map 06/06/12
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire 263,589 acres
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire 263,589 acres: The Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire has now reached 263,589 acres, an increase of 4,084 acres over the last reporting period. From the fligh...
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update: Current Situation Update 06/05/12 approximately 8 PM local Items changed from last update are in BLUE font Total Personnel 1,050 Size...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update: Current Situation (06/05/12) Total Personnel 1,102 Size 259,025 acres Percent Contained 20% Fuels Involved Timber, mixed conifer, p...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire Smoke O...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire Smoke O...: Swcc Smoke Outlook June 5 - June 8 Incident: Whitewater Baldy Complex Wildfire Updated 1400 MDT June 5, 2012 Valid through Friday June ...
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy Complex Progression Map 06/05/12
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy Complex Progression Map 06/05/12: Whitewater-Baldy Complex Progression Map 06/05/12 Whitewater-Baldy Complex Progression Map 06/05/12
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Fire Public Meeting ...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire IR map
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire IR map: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire IR map 06/05/12 [3.3MB PDF]
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update ...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update ...: Whitewater Baldy Complex Wildfire News Release Released: approximately 8:45 a.m. local For Immediate Release, June 5, 2012 - 8:00AM Whit...
Catron County Connection: Reserve Whitewater-Baldy Community Meeting
Catron County Connection: Reserve Whitewater-Baldy Community Meeting: Whitewater-Baldy Community Meeting (6-4-2012) in Reserve by Richard Torres Cathie Schmidlin, Deputy Information Officer for the Southw...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire: Reserve, NM. 7:44 a.m. local. ICP reports glitches with IR flight data and has no updated acreage at this time.
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire map
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire map: Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire map 06/05/12 Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire map 06/05/12
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire map
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire map: Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire map Blogmaster note: Unable to locate any of the usual maps at this time, but hopefully the two below will ...
Monday, June 4, 2012
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire progres...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire progres...: Whitewater-Baldy Complex fire progression map PDF
Catron County Connection: Gila Cliff Dwellings Closed Due To Smoke
Catron County Connection: Gila Cliff Dwellings Closed Due To Smoke: Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument News Release Incident: Whitewater Baldy Complex Wildfire Released: approximately 1 PM local Natio...
Catron County Connection: Gila Cliff Dwellings Closed Due To Smoke
Catron County Connection: Gila Cliff Dwellings Closed Due To Smoke: Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument News Release Incident: Whitewater Baldy Complex Wildfire Released: approximately 1 PM local Natio...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire smoke u...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire smoke u...: Smoke Outlook June 4 Incident: Whitewater Baldy Complex Wildfire Released: approximately 4 PM local Updated 1500 MDT June 4, 2012 Valid...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Gomez Fire update
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Gomez Fire update: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The “Gomez Fire” in the Little Walnut area, 4 miles north of Silver City, was 100% contained yesterday at 10:00 a.m...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update: Whitewater-Baldy Complex Community Update Southwest Area Type 1 Incident Management Team Incident Commander: Tony Sciacca Fire Inf...
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire IR map - high resolu...
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire IR map - high resolu...: Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire IR map - high resolution (32MB PDF)
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire IR map
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire IR map: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire IR map 06/04/12 Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire IR map 06/04/12 High resolution image link t...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire 250,524...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire 250,524...: Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire now at 250,524 acres, a growth of 8,823 acres
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater Baldy Complex Burning Oper...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater Baldy Complex Burning Oper...: Burning Operations Tonight: Sun. June 3 Incident: Whitewater Baldy Complex Wildfire Released: approximately 6:30 PM Late this afternoon...
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy high resolution 06/03/12 map (31M...
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy high resolution 06/03/12 map (31M...: Whitewater-Baldy high resolution 06/03/12 map (31MB PDF)
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update: COMMUNITY UPDATE JUNE 3 8:00 AM Firefighters made good progress yesterday on the northeastern portions of the fire. Patrols will monitor t...
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy Community Meetings
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire map
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire map: Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire IR map from 06/03/12 flight Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire IR map from 06/03/12 flight
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex 241,701 Acr...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex 241,701 Acr...: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex fire has reached 241,701 acres, a growth of 13,988 acres over the last reporting period according to ...
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update
Catron County Connection: AZ County Stage II Fire Restrictions
Catron County Connection: AZ County Stage II Fire Restrictions: Stage II fire restrictions scheduled by cities, counties, and forests within Apache and Navajo counties Springerville, AZ – June 1, ...
Catron County Connection: Mogollon evacuation to be lifted June 4
Catron County Connection: Mogollon evacuation to be lifted June 4: Whitewater-Baldy Complex 1:11 PM (1 hour ago) The Catron County Sheriff Department announced that residents a...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update: Whitewater-Baldy Complex Community Update Southwest Area Type 1 Incident Management Team Incident Commander: Tony Sciacca Fire Inf...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire IR map ...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire IR map ...: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire IR map 06/02/12, 227,713 Acres USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire IR map 06/02/12 ...
Friday, June 1, 2012
Catron County Connection: USFS Actions Taken to Protect Communities and Fire...
Catron County Connection: USFS Actions Taken to Protect Communities and Fire...: Actions Taken to Protect Communities and Firefighters at the Start of the Whitewater and Baldy Fires Glenwood, NM; June 1, 2012 --The ...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire divisio...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire divisio...: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire division detail maps 06/01/12 PDF (7 pages) 12MB download
Catron County Connection: June Catron County Commission meeting dates
Catron County Connection: June Catron County Commission meeting dates: During an election year the first regular scheduled meeting for June and November is the first Friday after the election date. The June m...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF State 1 Fire Restrictions
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF State 1 Fire Restrictions: Gila National Forest Heads into Stage 1 Fire Restrictions June 1, 2012-Silver City, NM- As fire crews focus on the Whitewater Baldy...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire PIO map...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire PIO map...: Whitewater-Baldy "PIO" map 06/01/12 Whitewater-Baldy "PIO" map 06/01/12
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy progression map 06/01/12
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy progression map 06/01/12: Whitewater-Baldy progression map 06/01/12 Whitewater-Baldy progression map 06/01/12
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update: Whitewater-Baldy Complex Update Southwest Area Type 1 Incident Management Team Incident Commander: Tony Sciacca Fire Information: 575-53...
Catron County Connection: NM Governor: Business Help Through SBA Loans
Catron County Connection: NM Governor: Business Help Through SBA Loans: NEWS RELEASE Contact: Scott Darnell (505) 819-1398 For Immediate Release May 29, 2012 Susana Martinez Gov...
Catron County Connection: Community Meeting in Glenwood
Catron County Connection: Community Meeting in Glenwood: Community Meeting in Glenwood Today A community meeting for the Whitewater-Baldy Complex will be held today, Friday June 1, at 6:00 pm at...
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update
Catron County Connection: USFS Gila NF Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update: Current Situation Total Personnel 1,246 Size 216,650 acres Percent Contained 10% Fuels Involved Timber, mixed conifer, ponderosa p...
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire IR map
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire IR map: Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire IR map 06/01/12 Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire IR map 06/01/12
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update 216,656 Acres...
Catron County Connection: Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update 216,656 Acres...: Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire update is now at 216,656 Acres per the 06/01/12 IR flight at 0040 MDT (12:40 a.m. local). Growth last period:...
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